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Message to Patricia Valencia

Patricia Valencia - Black therapist in New York NY

Patricia Valencia

Patricia Valencia Mental Health Counseling
(347) 692-0402
(347) 692-0402


About Patricia Valencia

Are you an Octopus in Human Form?

An Octopus in human form is a person in perpetual motion, juggling high-needs responsibilities and constantly shifting to avoid danger. Human Octopi are often the rock that steadies and anchors those in their orbit. They feel tremendous pressure to show up and absorb life's shocks at their loved ones. Are you running on empty, losing steam, and recognizing you’ve lost touch with your core? This is not the life you ordered; pull up its QR code, go to your nearest high-end grocery chain, and send it back!

I aim to help you loosen your emotional constraints and lessen the worry, hopelessness, and fear barricading your access to peace and security. As we backpack through your present and past, you will be my tour guide. We will challenge the idea that peace and joy are unattainable for you. You do not have to be solid and steady all the time. Let’s work together to unearth some of the happiness and security you give to others. Book a free 20-minute virtual consultation today.

I am a private-pay, out-of-network provider. While I do not accept insurance directly, your insurance plan may have out-of-network benefits, meaning they will reimburse you for a portion of our session cost. I have partnered with Thrizer to handle the out-of-network process automatically for you. With Thrizer you will only have to pay you copay for our sessions, instead of paying my full fee and waiting for reimbursements. This can save you on average 70% upfront on our sessions. During our free 20-minute virtual consultation, I will provide you with the Thrizer so you can verify your out of network benefits and find out what your copay+processing fee will be.

I am a New York therapist near you; I see clients virtually and do at-home sessions (inquire within). New York, you are holding a lot down and thinking, how do I fit therapy into my schedule? I offer sessions Monday through Thursday, 5 am until 11 pm. Book a free 20-minute virtual consultation now.


New York, United States Licensed for 4 Years 6 Months Jul 2020 4 Years 6 Months Jul 2020


Skill: Conversational Therapist


Primary Office Location

pin New York NY 10036

pin (347) 692-0402

Social Media

Instagram page for Patricia Valencia - Black therapist in Instagram page for Patricia Valencia - Black therapist in
Message Patricia Valencia
(347) 692-0402